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Beta Testing - Take a Hike Software

There are no known issuses with this software that could cause damage. Take a Hike Software takes no responsibility whatsoever for damage caused directly or indirectly by our software.

Mr. Notes 4.0 beta released. Lots of new features. Be sure to check it out!

Icon Hunt - A shooting-arcade-style game where you shoot icons (sounds fun, I know). Some icons give you more points than others, others take points away. For example, if you shoot the Internet Explorer icon it gives 3000 points. If you shoot a Netscape icon you loose 3000 points. Some icons also speed up and slow down how fast the icons appear and disappear on the screen. Beware of the Linux Penguin, if you shoot it you loose the game! 'icon values.txt' in the zip file explains which icons are safe to shoot, etc. The High Scores and the custom colors don't work yet in this beta version.

Quick Bin - beta 2 - Quick and easy access to your Recycling Bin from the system tray

Notes for Quick Bin:
You must have Windows 98/ME/2000 or have Internet Explorer 4.* with Active Desktop installed. Active Desktop does not need to be enabled, but it does need to be installed.
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